To anyone out there working through their stuff. No matter what the critical voice says, you must know you are enough. Keep pushing your confidence muscle and keep leading with your moral compass. You have glorious sprinkles to spread through our society and I want to see you do that!
You are exactly enough!!
Spread your magic and advocate even if Mr imposter steps in. Breathe, love, laugh. Do cheeky things, travel, sleep, drink copious amounts of coffee in moderation. Run, walk and push the boundaries. Be you, grow a garden, lean into your masculinity or femininity whether you are male, female or non binary. Go into nature and love some more. Dance, cry, get angry, get tired. Be aware of perfectionism. Kiss, hug and just hold those dam hands up and stay in awe of all we have and all we get to be.
Societal structures and influences have garnished the way we should be, act, talk, express ourselves. This minimizes uniqueness and individuality and over time it stigmatises and alienates and discriminates. It creates depression, anxiety and other marginalised groups. There is not just one way to be or act. There is a moral compass and kindness and boundaries but not one way better than another no matter what privilege we have. Never suppress yourself!
It takes a-lot of resilience and self love to sit in the comfort of being flawed. Like, really sit in it. In those moments when someone disagrees with you or in the moment when we need to check ourselves. Examining our weaknesses really brings so much joy to our lives. So today I celebrate like I would celebrate a wedding or new baby or travel how beautiful it is to examine our weaknesses and the self love we get back in return.
You are exactly enough!!